Thursday, 17 April 2008


Well - we have a sparky - he starts on saturday and he's called Chris.

Everything came back from storage today - The first thing I did was connect the router so I am writing this on the main PC upstairs over WiFi - for the first time snce November. 33 Windows Updates!!!

Downstairs looks pretty good now. The cupboard doors are going on and we should get light fittings when Chris starts on Saturday.

Things now look very different

April 3rd:

April 16th:

Yesterday it looked very different again as the stuff came out of storage so we have the piano, dining table, TV etc. in the room. Now the problem is deciding exactly where to put it and cabling it all up!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Floors and sofas

Well, we still have no electrician, and the heating is still off downstairs (although maintaining a good 15-17 degrees even so!), but we have half a floor in the big room and we unwrapped the sofas. The rest of the room should be laid today along with the front hall - another 48 hours then the heating can go back on. The snug should get primed today, screed today/tomorrow and start laying on Wednesday I hope, so that should be done by Friday - heating on for Sunday. Then the rear hall and utility next week, maybe earlier. Carpets are scheduled for w/c 28th.

Geoff collects the doors for the kitchen cupboards today/tomorrow so the big room should start to come together over the next week. Still no sparky though, so no light fittings (bare bulbs), no extractor and the fridge on an extension..... but moving out of the bedroom will be a massive change.