Monday, 7 April 2008

Oh Woe is me.....


today we had the flooring contractor set to start prepping the floors downstairs for the Amtico....

First they arrived nearer 12 than 10 because they found that they had been delivered the wrong stuff..... perhaps they should have checked.

Then we find out the heating should have been off for 48 hours before they start.... bit difficult wen you find out on the day!

Then, it turns out they were planning on prepping the whole ground floor - a bit difficult when we have stuff in most of the other rooms we were planning on moving into the big room when that was done.....


We are now getting the main room, front hall and kids playroom primed today, skimmed on Wednesday (when the floor has cooled) and laid Thursday/Friday. Next monday they will start on the Snug, rear hall and loo, and the utility.

And on the 28th they'll lay the carpets upstairs!

So, fingers crossed, we'll move downstairs this weekend and have more than one room for the first time in... well it feels like years. Still loads to go at, and no sparky as yet so we'll see how much of a delay that causes..... but at least we may get to use the new sofas on Saturday! Hoorah.