Thursday, 14 June 2007

We have a hole!

Big day today - Geoff took out the corner of the house! Tuesday saw a couple of battens go up in the lounge:

and today I came home from work to find this:

Once the building inspector has seen the ground tomorrow, the reinforced concrete pad will get built and the pillar constructed to hold up the corner amd carry the beams.... Fingers crossed the rain eases off for a day or two.

Monday, 11 June 2007

June 10th

Just to confuse things... this post is up to yesterday.

Well, we now have a growing hole at one end of the garden and a pile of topsoil at the other. Paulo and Pete have worked really hard during the hot weather digging out a couple of skipfuls of soil. I suspect once they are down to the right level all over then Geoff will shutter off the corner of the lounge and take out the corner of the house to build the pillar:

The hole keeps growing! 7 inches deep ready for the insulation and concrete slab. On top will go double the recommended 50mm of insulation then the UFH buried in 75mm of sand and cement screed. We looked at Truflo liquid screed but were advised it is very expensive for domestic use.

The temporary washing line in danger of disappearing under ground
Hannah helping Paulo enjoy his well earned break - it was 24 degrees today!